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Setting up a validator


If you don't have tokens yet you will need to wait for the public release of the $QSR token in Q2 2023.


This guide assumes you already have Quasar binary running and your node is fully synced.
If not, please review these articles:

You can promote your node to validator by staking sufficient tokens.

  1. Provide your public address to the Quasar team and ask for testnet tokens to be able to create your validator.

Promote Your Node to Validator

If you've got enough tokens, you can use the following command:

quasarnoded tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000uqsr \
--chain-id="< quasar(-test)-1 >" \
--moniker=< node_moniker > \
--website="" \
--details="Joining quasar testnet" \
--commission-rate="0.1" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--identity="other_validator" \
--from < validator_key_name > \
--keyring-backend < keyring name > \
--pubkey=$(quasarnoded tendermint show-validator)

NOTE: Your validator will stay as "unbonded" if you stake less than 1000000 tokens. 1